Pihat, portit ja aidat – Gardens, Gates and Fences 

20 May – 24 September 2023 the north end of the Korsman House 

PIHAT, PORTIT JA AIDAT exhibition 20 May – 24 September Tue-Thu noon – 5 p.m., in July Tue-Fri noon – 5 p.m. and during events 

The Toivo summer exhibition of 2023 examines the use and history of gardens. Gardens used to have primarily utilitarian purposes. The paths took shape when the residents walked between the residential and outbuildings. There were cows and cowsheds in the countryside as well as in towns. The grounds, both in rural and urban areas, were surrounded by multiple buildings with fences between them. If anything was grown in the garden, it was at first solely for a practical reason. It was only in 18th century when the first flowerbeds were planted in the gardens of manors and castles, and they became more common in town in 19th century. In the countryside decorative gardens were considered suspicious for a long time. The exhibition is based on Satakunta Museum photograph collections.   

Exhibition production: Building Heritage Museum Toivo.